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Celebrating 75 Years Of Practice!

On August 1st, 2017 the law firm of Merrill, Merrill, Mathews, & Allen is excited to celebrate its 75th year of existence, making it the oldest, continuous law firm in Calhoun and surrounding counties. The founding members were Judge Hugh D. Merrill, R.M. Woolf, Walter J. Merrill, and Hugh D. Merrill, Jr.

Judge Merrill started practicing law in 1897 and served twice as Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives and once as Lieutenant Governor.

His son, Hugh D Merrill, Jr., became a noted trial attorney and public servant, having served 23 years in the Alabama House of Representatives and becoming Chairman of the powerful Ways and Means committee.

Over the years many of Anniston’s finest attorneys have been a member of the firm. The Merrills’ dedication and commitment to their clients continues today through the work of Jake B. Mathews and Ronald L. Allen, who joined the firm in 1979.
